Salvia Summit III

Environmental Education Center, Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley, California

Friday October 7 to Sunday October 9, 2016


Thursday evening— 4-7 pm Registration/reception at Regional Parks Botanic Garden at Tilden


Friday and Saturday talks at the Environmental Education Center, Tilden Regional Park

Friday 8-9      Registration

9-9:15              Welcoming remarks

9:15-10            John Whittlesey         Diversity of Salvias– their adaptability and how they have co-evolved with pollinators and habitats.

10-10:30          India Pinnock            Designing the Salvia perennial borders at Kew

Break   10:30-10:45    

10:45-11:15     India Pinnock            Planting and managing the Salvia perennial borders at Kew

11:15- noon     Jesus Gonzales          Salvia diversity in Sierra Madre Occidental, northwestern Mexico

Lunch 12-1 PM

1-1:30              Tom Carlson              Ethnobotany of Salvia

Break   2:30-2:45        

2:45-3:30         Liberto Dario             Salvias in Greece: the wild species and the attempt to grow as many of the genus as possible in a garden setting in Athens

4                      Tour of University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley

Dinner at the Julia Morgan Hall at the Garden.                   



8:15-9              breakfast

9-9:45              Scott Ogden              Intemperate Beauties: Sages on the Edge and in Between…Fort Collins CO and Austin TX gardens

9:45-10:15       Kermit Carter           A Salvia nursery—rewards and challenges

Break   10:15-10:30

10:30-11          Sue Templeton           Developments Down Under: Salvias in Australia

11-11:30          Bart O'Brien              Cultivation of California Salvias—species and cultivars

11:30-12          Bryan Drew               Salvia united: The greatest good for the greatest number

Lunch             12-1

1-1:45              Rolando Uria             Salvia exploration in Northern Peru

1:45-2:15         Frank Fischer            Salvias in Europe

Break   2:15-2:30

2:30-3:15         Don Mahoney            Salvias in the Strybing cloud forest.

3:15-4              Lighning talks 

4-7pm              Tour of Regional Parks Botanic Garden at Tilden



9am                 Tour of San Francisco Botanic Garden (Strybing)

Lunch on your own in San Francisco (lots of choices near Strybing)

2pm                 Visit Annie's Annuals